Interview List

Following is a list of women who have been interviewed for the Worcester Women's Oral History Project. Many transcripts are accessible by clicking on the highlighted names. All transcripts are accessible in a repository at the Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America at the Radcliffe Institute at Harvard University  

  • If you are willing to be interviewed, please contact
  • If you have been interviewed and don't see your photograph here and would like to share it, please email it to 
Name Interview Date Note
PDF icon rajwani_catherine_transcript.pdf Catherine Rajwani 04/08/2011 Lawyer
PDF icon ramirez_hilda_eng_rev.pdf Hilda Ramírez 03/31/2011 English Translation - Executive Director of the Worcester Youth Center; Born in Dominican Republic
PDF icon ramirez_carmenza_transcript_-edit.pdf Carmenza Ramirez 07/28/2017 Born in Colombia; Rehabilitation Counselor, Studies at LVGW
PDF icon Ramirez, Hilda Transcript.pdf Hilda Ramirez 08/06/2018 Assistant Director of the Latino Education Institute, Worcester State University
PDF icon ramirez_hilda_spa_rev.pdf Hilda Ramírez 03/31/2011 Spanish Interview -- Directora Ejecutiva del Worcester Youth Center; Lugar de origen: la República Dominicana
PDF icon raymon_lisa_edit_wwohp.pdf Lisa A. Raymon 03/16/2012 Salon Owner, Mother of three
PDF icon reed_heidi_wwohp.pdf Heidi Reed 02/19/2010 Massachusetts Commissioner for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Pamela Reidy 11/23/2010 Director of Mission, Notre Dame du Lac; teacher; Founder of Spirit of Hope
PDF icon Rennie_Brenda_-wwohp.pdf Brenda Rennie 02/16/2009 Independent Living Services Advocate at the Center for Living and Working; Volunteer Our Deaf Sisters Survival Support Project
Eve Rifkah 10/03/2019 Poet; Teacher
PDF icon rifkah_eve.pdf Eve Rifkah 10/15/2010 Writer, teacher, Poetry Oasis
PDF icon Rivera, Sarai Transcript.pdf Sarai Rivera 07/23/2018 Worcester City Councilor; Minister; Social Activist
PDF icon Robertson_Sara_WWOHP.pdf Sara Robertson 10/04/2006 First Woman Mayor of Worcester, MA
Susan Rodgers 03/15/2019 Professor, College of the Holy Cross
PDF icon rodriguez-parker_gladys_eng_rev.pdf Gladys Rodríguez-Parker 03/18/2011 English translation - Senior District Representative,Congressman James P. McGovern
PDF icon rodriguez-parker_gladys_spa_rev.pdf Gladys Rodríguez-Parker 03/18/2011 Spanish Interview - Senior District Representative, Congressman James P. McGovern
PDF icon Rose_MaryJane_wwohp_edit-1.pdf Mary Jane Rose 03/15/2007 Worcester Teacher
PDF icon rosenlund_linda.pdf Linda Rosenlund 11/23/2010 College Administrator; Founder of Worcester Women's Oral History Project
PDF icon Ross_Dorian-edit.pdf Dorian Ross 10/23/2007 Intergenerational Urban Institute, Worcester State College
Briana Roy 11/13/2006 College Student
Carleen Roy-Butler 09/29/2013 Director, Reach Out Center, Assumption College
Tina Rumrill 02/27/2009 Resident of Great Brook Valley
PDF icon Saba_Katherine_wwohp1edit.pdf Kate Saba 03/30/2009 Fitness Trainer, Nursing Student
PDF icon Sabelli_Susan_wwohp_edit.pdf Susan Sabelli 03/22/2009 College Professor and Clinical Coordinator of Human Services and Rehabilitation Counseling
PDF icon Safford_Brenda_wwohp1edit.pdf Brenda Safford 03/30/2009 College Administrator, Director of Multicultural Affairs
PDF icon Sakats, Mallory Mason edit.pdf Mallory Mason Sakats 03/14/2019 Co-owner, ENT Billing; Boston Marathon Runner
PDF icon Samko, Catherine Transcript Edited.pdf Catherine Samko 10/09/2019 Clinician and Administrator, state psychiatric hospitals for the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health
PDF icon sanchez_wilma_interview.pdf Wilma Sanchez 03/24/2011 Licensed Addiction Drug Counselor
PDF icon Sanders, Sarah edit.pdf Sarah Sanders 03/26/2024 Teacher, Worcester Public Schools; Columnist, Worcester Magazine/Telegram & Gazette
PDF icon Sanderson_Laurel_wwohp_pdf.Edit.pdf Laurel Sanderson 10/23/2006 Clark graduate, Long-time Hanover employee
PDF icon savageau_judith_edit_wwohp.pdf Judith Savageau 04/10/2012 Associate Professor of Family Medicine and Community Health; Massachusetts Association for the Blind Board Member
PDF icon sawyer_anh_vu_edited.pdf Anh Vu Sawyer 03/28/2013 Executive Director of the Southeast Asian Coalition of Central Massachusetts; Author
PDF icon Scafidi_Jacqueline_wwohp.pdf Jacqueline Scafidi 11/10/2009 Senior Computer Consultant
PDF icon ShaefferDuffey, Claire.pdf Claire Schaeffer-Duffy 03/29/2017 Member, SS Francis and Therese Catholic Worker House; Freelance Journalist
Martha Scheffer 10/31/2006 College Administrator
PDF icon schwartz_zelda.pdf Zelda Schwartz 11/09/2010 Psychotherapist; Retired Director of Family Therapy at Jewish Family Services
Sandy Scola 04/10/2006 Assistant Director, Early Childhood Center, Jewish Community Center
PDF icon Scott_Dennise_wwohp_pdf.edit.pdf Dennise Scott 05/08/2007 ASL teacher, Deaf interpreter
PDF icon Scully-Hill_Susan_wwohp_edit.pdf Susan Scully-Hill 03/25/2009 College Professor of Human Services and Social Rehabilitation Studies
PDF icon Seager, Carol -edit.pdf Carol Seager 03/28/2019 Owner, Carol Seager Associates geriatric case management
Susan Seibel 10/06/2006 Director, Intensive English Language Institute
PDF icon sessions_cathy.pdf Cathy Sessions 10/21/2014 Marketing Director, Notre Dame Health Care
PDF icon Shainheit, Janet Transcript (1) Edited.pdf Janet Shainheit 10/01/2019 Peace Corps Volunteer, Nigeria; Teacher;Librarian
PDF icon Shanley, Suzanne Belote.pdf Suzanne Belote Shanley 03/27/2017 Co-founder of Agape Community; Educator;Activist
PDF icon Shapiro_Sadie_edit_wwohp.pdf Sadie Shapiro 11/13/2008 Office Supervisor at Paul Revere Insurance Company, Mother of Three
PDF icon Shea, Ann Marie Transcript edited April 2020.pdf Ann Marie Shea 02/20/2018 Professor Emerita, Worcester State University; Actress
PDF icon Shea, Rachael edit.pdf Rachael Shea 04/14/2019 Librarian; Sacred Fire Keeper
PDF icon Shivick.Jane_WWOHP.pdf Jane Shivick 02/28/2008 Opera singer; Professional voice teacher; College choir director
PDF icon Shulman, Carol Transcript.pdf Carol Shulman 10/17/2018 Registered Nurse
Amanda Shusta 04/25/2005 College Student; Restaurant Worker
