Tina Gaffney

Actress, Activist, Educator

If I am not helping people I am figuring out a way to help people. If people tell me they need help I am helping them find resources.  That has been in my social justice work, my theater work, kind of a running theme in my life. I mean my grandma has a saying, “If you are not sleeping you are working, if you are not working you are sleeping,” that’s pretty much me, first one in, last one to leave. I am always working on something to enrich people’s lives and make the quality of their lives better which kind of leads me to my social justice/mission statement which is, “To be enriched by other people I interact with and hopefully to interact with them as well and continually make people’s lives better.”

Current Employer: 

Tina E. Gaffney, originally from San Antonio, Texas, is an established actress, activist, and educator. In this interview, Ms. Gaffney details her vibrant history in the world of social change. Similarly, Ms. Gaffney explores her admiration for the world of theater and its ability to change audiences’ perspectives. This interview also discusses Ms. Gaffney’s views on issues such as racism, sexism, and socio-economic disparities and the forms they impact the educational system. Ms. Gaffney believes “meat on the bones” theater and social activism have the capacity to establish real change. Although not discussed in the interview, to express her joy, vibrancy, and constant optimism Ms. Gaffney on a daily basis dresses in all-orange ensembles.

Interview Date: 
May 22, 2018
Interview Language: